Blog, Product News

Product News, August 2019

New supported file types are here!

In our next round of improvements to StoryStream’s asset management capabilities, we’re excited to announce that we’ve extended the supported file types that can be uploaded to StoryStream, and distributed using our variety of Storyboards, further streamlining internal and external asset sharing across your business.

While already supporting most image and video formats, you can now upload more of the files that you work with on a daily basis, including documents like PDF, spreadsheets and presentations, design files like Photoshop and InDesign, and even zipped folders.

As before, new file types are hosted securely and are displayed with a preview for reliable and easy content management.

Content is made quickly accessible and shareable across your organisation – especially when used in combination with our hosted Content Portals, allowing stakeholders to easily access, engage with and download the assets they need, reducing traditional time-consuming file sharing methods.

The new file types are available for all users now, and you can find a full list in our Help Centre!


Measure bottom line impact with Conversion Analytics

StoryStream’s conversion analytics is an evolution of our industry leading content insights solution. Conversion Analytics enables brands to analyse and report on how content is directly influencing valuable actions and sales across their website.

With a small amount of code embedded on any goal conversion page, StoryStream is easily able to report on how influential your content is in driving desired behaviors on your website – for example, how many users interacted with a Storyboard before completing a journey like a car configuration.

Insights are extended right down to asset level and even show you HOW customers engaged with content before ultimately taking those actions, so you’ll know if they were content views or deeper clicks and opens that lead to that goal completion.

The result is an overall view of which types of content are most influential in driving conversions, and enables you to quickly test new customer content experiences without setting up complex A/B testing environments.

Get in touch with your customer success manager to find out more about implementing conversion analytics for true content ROI.


New Workflow state view

With the ability to publish assets far and wide using StoryStream’s Storyboards, and custom integrations to third parties such as email providers or social media management tools, it’s easy to lose track of where your content is. This is especially challenging when content rights information needs to be carefully considered and maintained, or there’s an update that needs to be made to a specific asset.

In our ongoing efforts to ensure content workflows across your organisation are efficient and scalable with StoryStream, we’ve added a new tab to the expanded view of content in the Manage area, that enables you to see where an asset appears across your Story.

The new functionality enables you to:

  • See at a glance if content is in a specific Stream
  • See if it the content is Shortlisted, Scheduled or Live in each Stream
  • Update the Workflow state of the content from this view
  • Go to the content in that specific Stream

The update means finding, updating or removing content is just as intuitive as publishing it to multiple locations, so if there’s updates to a certain car model, a sponsor updates their logo, or you simply need to unpublish an item everywhere it exists, you can do so quickly and easily.

The new functionality is available for all V3 accounts now (tip: you’ll know if you’re on V3 if your top navigation reads Source, Manage, Distribute, and Insight), so to get started, click on the media of any content in the Manage view to expand it, and navigate to the new Workflow tab.


StoryStream TV: Dealership Experience Control

Brands are under increasing pressure to combine an influential digital customer experience with an attractive, consistent and on-brand physical space.

StoryStream TV, part of our digital signage solutions, lets brands capture attention in any offline environment through bespoke content displays – whether it’s dealerships, retail environments or offices. The real benefit for brands being the ability to control those content displays at either a central or local level.

Using the same intuitive platform you’re used to distribute content to your web outputs, email campaigns, ad managers and social media tools, StoryStream can be used to schedule video, images, UGC and web-page content from any device, to multiple screens globally, at the click of a button.

Not only are you able to benefit from both a steady flow of scheduled content and rapid updates to physical spaces, but personalised displays can be programmed to increase the relevancy and quality of key brand messages at critical points of sale.

StoryStream TV updates in real-time and can display on any screen with a web connection, as well as being optimised for most digital signage software, such as Scala or Chrome Sign Builder. Displaying targeted content such as video reviews, car configuration options or influential user-generated content has never been easier!

Get in touch to find out how StoryStream can revolutionise your physical retail environments.