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Garnier Nordics “reflect the beauty of diversity” with UGC

Garnier Brand Hero

Garnier – a flagship in the L’Oreal family of brands – is a global leader in consumer cosmetics and a household name to billions. Since patenting the world’s first hair product derived from natural ingredients in the (very) early-20th century, Garnier has continued in its commitment to green beauty – sustainably sourced, cruelty-free ingredients in every pot, bottle, or pack!

The team at Garnier Nordics have partnered with StoryStream to supercharge their social media strategy: centralising the process of User-generated Content rights management, simplifying content curation, and premiering a bespoke LinkStream link in bio experience on the Garnier Nordics Instagram profile.

The shoppable LinkStream ‘link in bio’ hub blends content from Garnier customers and advocates in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. By using the categorisation functionality within StoryStream to organise the content, Garnier has curated four distinct experiences, each able to funnel users to local retail partners via SmartGoal CTAs.

Linda Ghabain, Social Brand Manager at Garnier Nordics, sees the opportunity at the heart of the challenge of curating content across four markets: “Together with StoryStream, we’re able to create a closer connection with our community across Instagram for Garnier. In the Nordic markets, we know that what’s performing well or trending across social media in one country might be very distinct from what’s happening in another. We wanted to embrace that fact and, through our social hub, reflect the beauty of diversity with User-generated Content.”

Garnier Nordics LinkStream

Check out Garnier Nordic’s Link In Bio here.


Since going live in November 2021, engagement levels on the Garnier Nordics LinkStream have been superb. 83% of visitors to the page engage with the content galleries, with 32% of all visitors clicking to enlarge content hosted within them. At this juncture, the power of authentic content really comes into focus; users are moving through the social commerce funnel at a phenomenal rate. Clicks from opened content through to retailer sites sit at 106% for the four months since activation. On average, that’s more than one click off to the retailer’s store per content open – a real demonstration of the effectiveness of User-generated Content in converting visitors to shoppers.

“We are seeing some really encouraging early results through LinkStream,” says Linda. “Since the launch, we’ve been able to bring 52 pieces of influencer content into StoryStream and make it shoppable through the platform’s SmartGoal functionality. It means that the platform’s not only helping us centralize our content … it’s also helping us make the content we’re investing in at Garnier Nordics attributable to our overall eCommerce outcomes.”

If you’d like to learn more about how LinkStream can help your brand connect social content with social commerce, get in touch and we’ll organise a demo.

Check the Garnier Nordics LinkStream out here, and drop them a follow on Instagram while you’re there.