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Power Shift: New Study Shows Over Half of Consumers Worry About EV Range


  • Environment and Futureproofing The Driving Forces Behind EV Demand: 43% are motivated to buy EV by Environmental benefits and 27% view EVs as a means to future-proof their transport needs.
  • Range Anxiety and Charging Times: The limited range on a single charge concerns 57% of consumers, while 53% are hesitant due to extended charging times. 
  • Economic and Infrastructure Barriers: High upfront costs deter 65% of potential EV buyers plus concerns about inadequate charging infrastructure affect 56% of potential buyers, despite the UK’s 47% increase in charging points over the past year.
  • Impact of Effective Customer Stories as Social Proof: StoryStream leverages storytelling to enhance consumer engagement, illustrating how real-world applications of EV technology can overcome barriers.


In the rapidly advancing automotive industry, the move toward electric vehicles (EVs) is accelerating. A combination of consumer preferences for cost savings and futureproofing, technological advancements, and environmental considerations drives this transition. As brands strive to navigate this complex terrain, StoryStream emerges as a pivotal partner, helping to shape the narrative and engage consumers effectively. Drawing from recent survey data from Simpson Carpenter, we delve into the motivations behind the increasing adoption of EVs, the barriers consumers face, and the factors that might convince the hesitant to switch. Through strategic storytelling and innovative digital engagement, StoryStream aids brands in highlighting the practical benefits of EVs, addressing consumer concerns, and illustrating these vehicles’ seamless integration into everyday life.

The research statistics in this article are derived from a survey conducted by Simpson Carpenter in January 2024, encompassing a sample of 2,052 respondents from the UK and Germany. The demographic spread included 61% males, 38% females, and 1% individuals identifying as other or preferring not to specify. Ages ranged from 6% aged 18-25, 17% aged 26-35, 26% aged 36-45, 21% aged 46-55, to 29% aged 56-65. Employment statuses varied with 59% of respondents in full-time employment, 16% part-time, 5% homemakers, and 14% retired, unemployed, or students. Regarding household composition, 38% of the respondents had children under 18. Geographically, the distribution spanned from 35% living in medium-sized to big cities, 26% living in a town, 15% living in the suburbs, 15% living in a village, and 9% in the rural countryside, providing a comprehensive perspective of the current market and sentiments towards electric vehicles across different ages and living environments.


The primary motivations for purchasing an EV are clear: 43% of buyers are drawn to EVs for their environmental benefits, highlighting a growing eco-consciousness among consumers. Hyundai and Nissan are among the brands that cater to this demand with models like the Hyundai Ioniq 5, known for its fast charging capabilities and considerable range, and the Nissan Leaf, renowned for its longevity. Another 43% cite the economic advantages of EVs, underscoring the cost-effectiveness over traditional petrol or diesel vehicles. Moreover, 27% of consumers believe electric vehicles will futureproof their transport needs, which goes hand-in-hand with 20% appreciating the superior drive performance provided by electric. With technologies like driver assist, built-in Alexa, auto-pilot and ProPilot (by Nissan) and most interestingly ‘Caraoke’ from Tesla, karaoke in the car, it’s no surprise consumers associate EV with futureproofing. 


While the benefits are clear, the path to widespread EV adoption is not without its obstacles. The high upfront cost of EVs, a concern for 65% of respondents, poses a significant barrier, with the average cost of an EV in the UK at £60,000 this price tag is miles different from standard (petrol/diesel vehicles) averaging between £12,000 – £17,000 for a small car such as a Ford Fiesta, to £22,000 – £36,000 for a medium-sized car like a Ford Focus.   

Plus the perceived inadequacy of the charging infrastructure continues to be a barrier, troubling 56% of potential buyers. Yet the reality is there are nearly 60,000 EV charging points across the UK, a 47% increase since March 2023, suggesting the infrastructure may no longer be a concern to potential buyers. Additionally, the anxiety surrounding the limited range on a single charge (57%) and extended charging times (53%) creates resistance. Companies like Volkswagen are tackling these challenges head-on with the all-electric ID 4, which is designed to alleviate range anxiety with its 336-mile range. StoryStream has helped VW to amplify these solutions through content galleries which highlight the practicality and readiness of the EV infrastructure using UGC and branded content.


The journey from scepticism to acceptance is often complex. For 24% of those who reverted to standard vehicles, the comfort and familiarity of petrol and diesel cars were the key factors. Economic considerations (30%) and concerns over charging infrastructure (26%) also weighed heavily on those who reverted to standard (petrol/diesel) vehicles. Brands are addressing these concerns through innovations; for example, Citroen introduced the Citroen Ami available for just £8495, a truly unique-looking vehicle, purely designed for city life to squeeze into small spaces and roads, the cheap pricetag and fun driving experience exemplifies how technological advancements can convert sceptics. Citroen UK showcases how nimble and suited the Ami is for city life using one of StoryStream’s gallery mosaics, comprising of both branded content and UGC to bring the Ami to life and elevate their #thisisnotacar campaign. Additionally, more and more brands are releasing lower-cost EVs including BYD, with their BYD Dolphin from £26,140 and Vauxhall, with their all-electric Vauxhall Corsa from £26,895, more in line with standard vehicle prices thus helping to squash economic concerns and make EV more accessible. 


Encouraging previous EV owners to reconsider electric options hinges on addressing their initial reservations effectively. The promise of enhanced charging infrastructure, crucial for 27% of respondents, along with the environmental benefits valued by 38%, are strong motivators. An example of a brand that recognises both the challenges and potential motivators to adopt EV is Porsche, who understand their customers have reservations on the charging infrastructure and are motivated by environmental benefits, they created Porsche Electrifying Stories with StoryStream, to showcase the real-life stories of their customers who have converted to the all-electric Taycan and are extremely happy they did so. With real customer testimonials on the Taycan such as; ‘Porsche may have engineered the “world’s best car”?’ and ‘This car will convince even the die-hard petrol fans’, letting their fans do the talking for them to convince more resistant EV adopters. 


As the automotive landscape continues to evolve towards electric vehicles, the journey for wider adoption is paved with challenges and opportunities. At StoryStream, we understand the power of storytelling in transforming perceptions and accelerating change. By curating authentic narratives and real-world testimonials, we help bridge the gap between consumer scepticism and acceptance. Our platform enables brands to connect more deeply with their audiences by demonstrating the tangible benefits and practicalities of EVs through the experiences of everyday users. As we look to the future, StoryStream is committed to supporting the automotive industry in its shift towards sustainability by enhancing communication strategies that foster transparency, trust, and engagement. In doing so, we believe electric vehicles can move from being an alternative option to becoming the preferred choice for an environmentally conscious generation.