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StoryStream at Rennsport Reunion VI

What is Rennsport Reunion?

Rennsport Reunion, hosted by Porsche Cars North America, celebrates the best of Porsche motorsport. This year, hosted at the Weathertech Raceway Leguna Seca in Monterey, CA, broke records with over 80,000 Porsche fans and drivers gathering at this 4 day Porsche festival.

The event brought together over 2,000 vehicles, along with Porsche fans, race drivers and engineers. The atmosphere was amazing, with all attendees and employees sharing their Porsche passion.

Some incredible content was created, and (luckily for 3 of us), the StoryStream crew were there.

Some of the highlights

Porsche are currently celebrating their 70 year anniversary, so there were of course going to be some surprises along the way to continue the celebrations. These included the launch of two new cars: the 935 and the Speedster, an evening music festival (cue Seal), and a tractor race, with only a small amount of corner cutting around the track.

StoryStream at Rennsport

Across the event, digital screens were used to display the very best content, which was also circulated across the Rennsport Reunion microsite and on a dedicated mobile app.

StoryStream LiveScreens were looped into screen rotations alongside branded videos, and recordings of interviews and stage events at Rennsport, offering real time updates, promoting competitions, and sharing visitors favourite moments.

SmartGoal CTA buttons were used on web, to promote future Porsche events and encourage users to share their stories.

What we got up to

Our days started early (eye wateringly early), to be on site before the crowds started to arrive. This involved a pre-production meeting, to discuss key timings of the day, the type of content scheduled to be created that day, and where we were able to share it.

There were various production crews there creating video content and imagery, which we kept on top of throughout the event, adding it to StoryStream, instantly sharing and promoting content to the event. It looked great on the screen!

Porsche were keen to start to build a bank of rights approved UGC using StoryStream, so we did just that, selecting the very best content, and requesting rights using StoryStreams FanShare feature. Selected images were then posted directly onto Porsche’s Instagram account, continuing to combine the eye-catching professional photos and videos, with authentic visitor content.

The results

StoryStream enabled Porsche US to instantly share incredible user generated and brand content to both Rennsport attendees, and Porsche fans globally, all from within the StoryStream platform.

Over 900 images were published throughout the event, and of those also selected to gain rights for, 85% of users agreed.

The website outputs saw over 7 minutes dwell time throughout the event, with a great deal of interaction with the combination of brand and social content; and image and video.

… and only a small bit of jetlag now that we’re back in the UK!