Blog, Product News

Product News, May 2019

Say hello to Content Portals!

After a successful beta and exciting early deployments including McLaren F1, we’re officially launching StoryStream Content Portals!

Formerly known as SmartDAM in its early release stage, Content Portals is an extensive solution that allows marketers to share and manage content more efficiently with partners, inside and outside their organisation.

The challenge

Marketing teams are under huge pressure to manage and distribute rapidly growing volumes of content. This process is increasingly inefficient and complex, requiring marketers to carry out costly manual and reactive work to ensure stakeholders get the content they need, when they need it.

Our solution

Content Portals allow marketers to quickly create temporary or permanent locations where stakeholders can easily access, engage with and download content relevant to them, without needing one-to-one support.

Using StoryStream’s AI-powered management tools, Portals enable scalable distribution of assets via secure, hosted landing pages at the click of a button. With controllable user access, and compatibility across all device types, stakeholders can quickly find the content they need through filtering based on asset usage rights, metadata or AI tags applied by StoryStream.

Files can then be downloaded in their original state, emailed to a contact, or even saved with a transformation, so content is instantly prepared for any use marketing use-case.


Release date

Content Portals are available now for all customers – contact our sales team or your account manager today for more information and a free demo to get started.


Introducing ReStream: Subscribe to the best content across your organisation

Sharing great content across an organisation is a challenge. We’re now making it easy for marketers to automatically surface the best content being used by teams across their business.

ReStream allows users to subscribe to published content from any team that users our platform, removing the time-consuming process of keeping up to date with the readily available assets that could quickly drive results for your team.

With ReStream enabled, sharing and syncing content between siloed departments, markets or those separated by location is simple.

How does it work?

With a fast, one-time setup, ReStream can be configured to collect published content from any Story.

Those assets are then synced in real-time and filtered into a subscription Stream, making it easy to choose the best of them to be actioned or published locally.

Using ReStream means central markets can surface insight into popular content used in distant markets, or ReStream downwards to ensure smaller markets have a direct view of the preferred assets being published by HQ.

Release date

ReStream is available now – Contact your Customer Success Manager today to discuss rollout and break the content silos within your organisation.


StoryBoard Updates – more engagement and greater conversions

In our last product update, we spoke about our efforts to enhance our StoryBoard performance for customers. After lots of user feedback and testing we’re pleased to announce those changes are here for our popular Widget format.

We’ve focused on three core areas,

  • Encouraging more customers to engagement with your content
  • Sending more customers to your most valuable pages, like car configurators
  • Maximising content impact through better aesthetics

We’re doing this by introducing intelligent image recognition and smart cropping to ensure every piece of content entices customers to engage with it. Widget StoryBoards will now look for the key focal point in each image, like people standing next to a car, and crop the content to centre those elements in the StoryBoard.

To drive more customers to high value pages, we’ve enhanced our SmartGoal positioning to be more prominent and show when a user first views the StoryBoard – so your CTAs can be visible without having to open a content item.

We expect this to significantly improve the rate at which customers will move towards high value pages, as they’ll be inspired from first glance to take action on the content that caught their attention.

This is all fully compatible with other functionality like our Emissions Labelling solution, and is just as flexible as the Widget was before,  ensuring your display can be seamlessly branded on any page, mobile site or app.

Release date

This new functionality is available now, with just a quick update needed to activate it.

Your Customer Success Manager will be reaching out to you to discuss enabling the new functionality in the coming weeks.

Future improvements

We’re going to be building further on these improvements with additional features to increase content dwell times and offer more flexibility around SmartGoal use.

We’ll keep you posted as we progress with this work but for the time being, we always welcome any feedback you might have, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

If you’re not yet a StoryStream customer and would like to hear more about these features or any of our solutions, we’d be happy to walk you through a free demo of our platform.